Bookdown contest submission: posters with custom LaTeX templates

I'm not sure if this type of entry fits the purpose, since I didn't use bookdown and the output is LaTeX-only at this stage, but the criteria seemed to encourage anything rmarkdown-related. Anyway, since I've already written a blog post about this project I thought I'd show a quick preview here.

(pdf output)

I also made a resume with a similar workflow.

These two projects didn't require the knitr step, so the input format is plain markdown + yaml, but changing the extension to Rmd will run any code chunk as usual.

A Lua filter is used to (minimally) process the intermediate Abstract Syntax Tree produced by pandoc internally; this step is quite interesting as it provides fine-tuning not easily achievable at earlier/later stages in the process, and could potentially be done with R using the pandocfilters package (I haven't explored this option yet, as the documentation is quite scarce).


Both the poster and the CV examples are very impressive! Your radix-based blog also looks gorgeous.

I haven't finished reviewing all contest submissions yet, but I guess I'll have to struggle a little bit on deciding whether your submission is within the scope of this contest. If this were an R Markdown contest, there would be no doubt that this is a perfect submission.

thanks – yeah, that's why i asked for clarification before putting more work in my submission (and didn't).
Good luck with the reviews – some cool stuff in there no doubt.


ps: please excuse the left-handed typing, right arm currently immobilised

On a different note! @baptiste Firefox throws up the following error when I try to access your blog.


Any configuration error or is it just my firewall?

thanks for pointing this out! i don't know why, chrome says the certificate is fine.. and it was set up by netlify, i just ticked the https boxes. weird!