ACLOlderAmericansProfile - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Kevin Gilds

Abstract: May is older Americans Month. The goal of the application is to highlight some data from the Older American Profile published by the Administration for Community Living. The aging population page features a graph that shows the increase of the aging population (persons 65+) and projected increase to 2060. The state profile page features maps of where persons 65 plus reside in the United States

My intent is add more data and graphs.

Full Description:

May is older Americans Month. The goal of the application is to highlight data from the Profile of Older Americans published by the Administration for Community Living. The application uses the structure of the Golem and the bs4Dash packages.

Keywords: golem, bs4Dash, maps, demographics, older populations
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - kgilds/ACLOlderAmericansProfile: ACL Profle of Older Americans
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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