Add a number prefix to a regular expression in r


I have a list contains characters with different lengths, I want to add prefix for characters with specific length.


a = list("20013536", "20017954","19618","18114")

[1] "20013536"

[1] "20017954"

[1] "19618"

[1] "18114"

I want to add the numerical prefix "200" to the third and fourth elements of the list.

Thank you in advance.


Is this conditional to the length of the string ? Like if only 5 digits, add 200 before ?

a = c("20013536", "20017954","19618","18114")

# iterate
purrr::map_chr(a, ~{
  if (nchar(.x) == 5) paste0("200", .x) else .x
#> [1] "20013536" "20017954" "20019618" "20018114"

# vectorise
dplyr::if_else(nchar(a) == 5, paste0(200, a), a)
#> [1] "20013536" "20017954" "20019618" "20018114"

Created on 2020-08-20 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)

If you can create a function pad_if_only_five() to apply each time you need.


Thanks cderv,

the code worked well as a is a vector, when I tried to apply the code on a list, it through an erro

Error: unexpected '}' in:
" + if (nchar(.x) == 5) paste0("200", .x) else .x
+ }"

I am trying to use the code with list, even with lapply, but I'm not able to fix it.

Thank you in advance for your support.


It works with list also,

a = list("20013536", "20017954","19618","18114")

# iterate
purrr::map_chr(a, ~{
  if (nchar(.x) == 5) paste0("200", .x) else .x
#> [1] "20013536" "20017954" "20019618" "20018114"

Created on 2020-08-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

You seem to have a syntax error in your code

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