Adding another row's data into a calculation

Is this what you mean?


link <- ""

download.file(link, "driver_data.xlsx")

driver_data <- readxl::read_excel("driver_data.xlsx")

driver_data %>% 
    mutate(across(contains("time"), as_hms),
           across(contains("date"), as.Date),
           p2_request = as.POSIXct(paste(p2_request_date, p2_request_time)),
           p3_begin = as.POSIXct(paste(p3_begin_date, p3_begin_time)),
           p3_end = as.POSIXct(paste(p3_end_date, p3_end_time))) %>% 
    select(p2_request, p3_begin, p3_end, trip, gross_orig_driver_pay) %>% 
    mutate(time_passed = difftime(p2_request, lead(p3_end), units = "hour"))
#> # A tibble: 90 x 6
#>    p2_request          p3_begin            p3_end              trip     
#>    <dttm>              <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>    
#>  1 2021-03-03 12:10:33 2021-03-03 12:15:39 2021-03-03 12:33:17 completed
#>  2 2021-03-03 11:29:21 2021-03-03 11:34:16 2021-03-03 12:06:27 completed
#>  3 2021-03-03 10:44:26 2021-03-03 10:47:41 2021-03-03 11:17:06 completed
#>  4 2021-03-03 10:08:28 2021-03-03 10:11:47 2021-03-03 10:42:37 completed
#>  5 2021-03-03 09:42:02 2021-03-03 09:56:46 2021-03-03 10:02:06 completed
#>  6 2021-03-03 09:32:20 2021-03-03 09:38:45 2021-03-03 09:46:05 completed
#>  7 2021-03-03 08:45:00 2021-03-03 08:43:39 2021-03-03 09:30:22 completed
#>  8 2021-03-03 07:30:00 2021-03-03 07:27:44 2021-03-03 08:24:32 completed
#>  9 2021-03-03 06:22:22 2021-03-03 06:32:16 2021-03-03 07:11:43 completed
#> 10 2021-03-02 15:11:13 2021-03-02 15:16:55 2021-03-02 15:43:38 completed
#> # … with 80 more rows, and 2 more variables: gross_orig_driver_pay <dbl>,
#> #   time_passed <drtn>

Created on 2021-04-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

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