Adding traces to plotly chart based on the data in plotly r

I am trying to make a plotly chart for a shiny app. As of now I am doing is hardcoding by adding each trace. But I did realize that the columns in data get updated and the way I am doing that will not plot the data. How can I make sure tht whenever the data is added with a column name which has sale in it it would get added to the plot. Below are the data and the way I am doing it currently.

d1 <- tibble::tribble(
      ~Date, ~apple_count, ~apple_sale, ~banana_count, ~banana_sale, ~orange_count, ~orange_sale, ~peaches_count, ~peaches_sale, ~watermelon_count, ~watermelon_sale, ~strawberry_count, ~strawberry_sale,
  "8/19/19",  10882.05495,      239575,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,       9643.600102,           630827,                 0,                0,
  "8/20/19",    516.29755,       11281,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,       6041.538067,           510219,           1694.44,           684210,
  "8/21/19",     949.4084,       20150,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,       5371.758106,           565440,           9105.89,          3695182,
  "8/22/19",    3950.5318,       88679,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,       5238.308826,           576678,           6179.47,          2501560,
  "8/23/19",   2034.02055,       45672,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,        4994.43054,           518081,           7366.31,          2984563,
  "8/24/19",   1770.50415,       38553,             0,            0,             0,            0,              0,             0,       5001.303585,           551733,           6275.43,          2531400,

Below is the code.

output$saleplot <- renderPlotly({
  plot_ly(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$apple_sale, type = 'scatter', mode = 'none', name = 'apple', fill = 'tozeroy',fillcolor = 'rgba( 71,238,171, 0.5)') %>%
    add_trace(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$banana_sale, name = 'banana',fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = 'rgba(255,0,127,0.5)') %>%
    add_trace(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$orange_sale, name = 'orange',fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = 'rgba(255,255,51, 0.5)') %>%
    add_trace(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$peach_sale, name = 'peach',fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = 'rgba(127,0,255,0.5)') %>%
    add_trace(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$watermelon_sale, name = 'watermelon',fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.5)')%>%
    add_trace(x = ~d1$Date, y = ~d1$strawberry_sale, name = 'strawberry',fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = 'rgba(0,102,204, 0.5)') %>%
    layout(title = 'sale By Day',
           #  xaxis = list(title = 'Date',rangeslider = list(type = "date")),
           xaxis = list(title = 'Date'),
           yaxis = list(title = 'sale'))


I have not much time at the moment, so I'll share already one resource:

With the plotly proxy interface you can dynamically add and remove traces from a plot in Shiny.

Let me know if it makes sense, if not, I might be able to help out later.

Hope this helps,

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