Alphabetically sort list in each table row

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I've tried to generate a fake dataset and have a solution, which I don't like myself, but I hope that will give others a chance to share their solutions.

set.seed(seed = 42079)

some_letters <- sample(x = letters[1:5],
                       size = 25,
                       replace = TRUE)

some_groups <- = 10,
                          size = 25,
                          replace = TRUE)

column_of_interest <- split(x = some_letters,
                            f = some_groups)

some_other_column <- = 10)

fake_dataset <- = cbind(some_other_column,

within(data = fake_dataset,
       expr =
               modified_column <- lapply(X = column_of_interest,
                                         FUN = sort)
#>    some_other_column column_of_interest modified_column
#> 1                  3                  d               d
#> 2                  1               e, c            c, e
#> 3                  9            a, e, c         a, c, e
#> 4                  7                  c               c
#> 5                  4               a, c            a, c
#> 6                 10      e, a, a, d, b   a, a, b, d, e
#> 7                  8            d, a, b         a, b, d
#> 8                  5               c, d            c, d
#> 9                  6            d, e, b         b, d, e
#> 10                 2            e, d, d         d, d, e

Created on 2019-10-12 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)