Application Metrics Upgrade

The application metrics system will be upgraded on May 24, 2018. Consumers of the rsconnect::showMetrics() function will need to update accordingly. Please refer to the conversion table below for new series and metric names. Current names will no longer work after May 24. In addition to the name changes the unit of measurement for cpu metrics will change from 10-millisecond increments to nanoseconds.

The user guide will also contain the updated names and other relevant changes.

This thread will be updated once the changes are live.

|        CURRENT NAME         |        NEW NAME       |   TYPE  |
|                             |                       |         |
| container.cpu               |  docker_container_cpu |  Series |
|                             |                       |         |
|           |  docker_container_net |  Series |
|                             |                       |         |
| container.memory            |  docker_container_mem |  Series |
|                             |                       |         |
| container.shiny.connections |  container_status     |  Series |
|                             |                       |         |
| container.shiny.status      |  container_status     |  Series |
|                             |                       |         |
| cpu.user                    |  usage_in_usermode    |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| cpu.system                  |  usage_in_kernelmode  |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| network.tx                  |  tx_bytes             |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| network.rx                  |  rx_bytes             |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| memory.total_rss            |  total_rss            |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| memory.total_cache          |  total_cache          |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
|    |  connect_count        |  Metric |
|                             |                       |         |
| shiny.rprocs.count          |  connect_procs        |  Metric |

New series and metric names are now available for testing. The current names in the table will remain available until the upgrade is complete. A preexisting issue with rsconnect::showMetrics() that caused unexpected behavior with the until and interval parameters has also been fixed and is on the master branch in github.

The metrics upgrade has been completed. This thread will remain pinned as reference until May 31.

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