arrange(desc,) not working for me

Hi R com

have the following code:

Summarise even further

new_df %>%
group_by(new_cust) %>%
summarise(total_sales = sum(total_sales, na.rm=TRUE),
freq = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(total_sales)) %>%
slice(1:10) %>%
ggplot (aes(new_cust, total_sales)) +

and used the arrange(desc(.) to arrange the plot but it looks like this:


depending on your defaults the group_by may be retained by summarise meaning subsequent slice may not be as expected. Try manually ungrouping after the summarise to be explicit.
If this doesn't solve your issue then please provide a reprex.

new_df %>%
group_by(new_cust) %>%
summarise(total_sales = sum(total_sales, na.rm=TRUE),
freq = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>% 
arrange(desc(total_sales)) %>%
slice(1:10) %>%
ggplot (aes(new_cust, total_sales)) +

Since this is using geom_bar(), I believe there is a simple fix; in ggplot() set the reorder, ie;

ggplot (aes(reorder(new_cust, -total_sales),total_sales)) +

The -total_sales indicates we want the bars in descending order.

NOTE: You might need to set xlab() and ylab() to get your axis labels the way you want them

Something like:

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