as_survey_design - SE --> 95% CI

Hi - interested in converting the below --> a 95% CI. Any advice?

> my_des %>%
>   group_by(awards) %>%
>   summarize(proportion=survey_mean(),
>             total=survey_total())
> #> # A tibble: 2 x 5
> #>   awards proportion proportion_se total total_se
> #>   <fct>       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
> #> 1 No           0.38        0.0344 2354.     213.
> #> 2 Yes          0.62        0.0344 3840.     213.

You can do the following:

 my_des %>%
   group_by(awards) %>%
   summarize(proportion=survey_mean(vartype="ci", level=.95),
             total=survey_total(vartype="ci", level=.95))

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