ask filtering rows

The vote column in the dataset has a number that represents that country's vote:

  • 1 = Yes
  • 2 = Abstain
  • 3 = No
  • 8 = Not present
  • 9 = Not a member
# Filter for votes that are "yes", "abstain", or "no"
votes %>%
  filter(vote <=3)

What if I use:

# Filter for votes that are "yes", "abstain", or "no"
votes %>%
  filter(vote == c(1,2,3))

A different result. What's this?

I'm guessing you have a column which is numeric and not a list-column. So none of the rows have a value of c(1, 2, 3) so none will be that value, you want to use %in% and not ==. If your data is as you say, the following are equivalent:

votes %>%
  filter(vote <=3)

votes %>%
  filter(vote %in% c(1, 2, 3))

votes %>%
  filter(vote %in% 1:3)

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