Asset Management with R

Dear all,
I am starting to use R Studio in terms of Asset Management / Portfolio Management.
In your opinion, for me as a beginner, what is the best package to use for my goals?
I have found and am analyzing the following packages through some documents found online:

  • portfolio analytics;
  • Performance analytics;
  • Quantmod,
  • tidyquant (that if i understand well is a sort of "connection" between xts, zoo, quantmod (etc.) and tidyverse.

Which of these do you think is more efficient or easier to use? Could you tell me the advantages / disadvantages of each?
Thanks in advance to everyone !!

Well, generally, there's no such thing as asset management as such. You can think of assets as objects in R that can have multiple attributes, such as a ticker (or other unique identifier), date of acquisition, basis, yield, if any, volatility, if known, and various financial measures such as \beta and copula, etc., etc. What tool to use depends on what attributes you want to manage, and whether you want to manage them at an instant or over time (using time series analysis).

So, my advice is first to decide on what aspects of what type of assets it is desired to manage. Plus, remember the first rule of asset valuation (at least in assets for which there is a market): It's worth what the best opinion of what market participants think it is.


First of all many thanks for the feedback. I try to clarify my question.
I am trying to use various packages related to portfolio management (financial analysis) and I think that, with references to the packages mentioned in the main post (quantmod, tidyquant etc.) they are all quite efficient.
What I still haven't been able to understand at the moment is what the limitations and advantages of each are. For example, quantmod seems to me to give better graphical output than for example Performance Analytics (maybe thanks to ggplot package). Tidyquant also because, if I have not misunderstood, inside it includes the same quantmod. Furthermore, quantmod seems to me to enter a field more of trading than of asset management (as opposed to PortfolioAnalysis).
Maybe I just still have to work harder to understand the limitations of the 4 packages.
PS. I want to clarify that it is not a question to invest in practice, but only to understand, in the academic / scholastic context, which of these packages is the best and in what (maybe they refer to different things).
Thank you again!

I am an asset manager and lover of R. Though some may argue I am oversimplifying, packages are really containers of functions. Think of Excel as having functions such as Sum, Average and so forth. My opinion is not to concentrate on packages so much as on functions you need. I've used functions from all the packages you mentioned and many more. I think you question would get better responses if you posed more specific problems and objectives - e.g. How to download monthly returns? Also, you will find many packages are built on other packages - so you'll probably need lubridate for date manipulation and xts for time series etc. There are esoteric packages to deal with options and so forth.

I have written my own packages for internal use but they depend on many others. For example, I have a crazy optimizer that takes tax lot level data from Black Diamond our portfolio accounting system and with other inputs does a rebalance to maximize future after tax wealth across a client's accounts(location optimization as well) subject to risk constraints (these are downside risk metrics based on estimates of how the portfolio will perform under various scenarios - data from BlackRock's scenario).

Would be heppy to keep in touch and share info. R has a great community. The R/Finance meeting is a great example. Good luck.


Thank you so much for the answer!
Actually I am writing a document where I analyze the packages listed above and where I basically show what functionality they have.
I should also, theoretically, list its advantages and disadvantages only that, as you have rightly pointed out, it depends on what you want to do.
In my case, albeit in an extremely simple way, I should develop an application on Shiny App related to asset management and I should understand which package support to use.

Thanks so much! we can also text us if you like!


Perhaps, basically, the goal I could "set" would be this:

Selection of a tot. of securities, selection of a risk rate and, therefore, optimization of a portfolio.

So which package might be preferable in this simple case?

My setup also includes packages TTR, blotter and the Systemic Investor Toolkit "SIT" systematicinvestor/SIT: Systematic Investor Toolkit (

What is the "R/Finance meeting"?

About R/Finance That’s a link to information about what has been an excellent annual conference. The presenters are excellent and cover a broad spectrum of finance. It represents the good of the R finance community

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Hi Rmacey, i need your assistance. I am trying to analyze the safe haven properties of an asset against another. I have the conditional correlation of the two assets, but i don't know how to get the quantile 10, 5 and 1 percent to determine whrether the asset is a safe haven, diversifier or hedge. I will appreciate if you can support me on this.