Authorizing a Google account from an app deployed to

Hi All,

I have an app which reads and writes to a user's own Google Drive account using googlesheets4 and googledrive .This works fine when run locally but throws an error when deployed on Here is a reprex using just googlesheets4:

options(gargle_quiet = FALSE)

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Googlesheets4 Authentication"),
      actionButton("login", "Login")
      with(tags, dl(dt("E-mail", dd(textOutput("g_email")))))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  dat = eventReactive(input$login,{
      gs4_auth(email = FALSE, cache = ".secrets")
    dat = gs4_user()
    return (dat)
  output$g_email = renderText({dat()})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

This app starts with an empty .secrets folder in the app directory. When run locally gs4_auth(email = FALSE, cache = ".secrets") successfully skips the console interaction regarding pre-authorised accounts and goes directly to the browser dance. It then stores a token in .secrets as indicated by the console messages:

Listening on
trying token_fetch()
trying credentials_service_account()
Error: Argument 'txt' must be a JSON string, URL or file.
trying credentials_app_default()
trying credentials_gce()
trying credentials_byo_oauth()
Error: inherits(token, "Token2.0") is not TRUE
trying credentials_user_oauth2()
Gargle2.0 initialize
attempt from: googlesheets4
adding '' scope
loading token from the cache
no matching token in the cache
initiating new token
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
Authentication complete.
putting token into the cache: .secrets

However, when deployed to, clicking the button causes it to crashes with an error before opening the browser (my actual app disconnects but the log messages are the same). I put a blank csv file in .secrets because otherwise RStudio wouldn't bundle it in the upload.

trying token_fetch()
trying credentials_service_account()
Error: Argument 'txt' must be a JSON string, URL or file.
trying credentials_app_default()
trying credentials_gce()
Error: inherits(token, "Token2.0") is not TRUE
trying credentials_user_oauth2()
adding '' scope
loading token from the cache
no matching token in the cache
initiating new token
trying credentials_byo_oauth()
gs4_deauth() to prevent the attempt to get credentials.
Call gs4_auth() directly with all necessary specifics.
Error: OAuth2 flow requires an interactive session
Warning: Error in : Can't get Google credentials.
Are you running googlesheets4 in a non-interactive session? Consider:
Gargle2.0 initialize
See gargle's "Non-interactive auth" vignette for more details:
attempt from: googlesheets4
Non-interactive auth • gargle

Is this expected behaviour? More likely I am missing something obvious, but I could find very little in the way of explicit examples for multi-user deployed apps. Are they actually possible? Many thanks.

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