autorepeat of keys in RMarkdown

I am writing a vignette with the help of RMarkdown. At the start all works fine. But when I klick the knit-Button I sometimes got an error. Few clicks later all worked fine — a random bug. I searched the net and found the reason in Pandoc. I read that your new (but no official version of RStudio 1.2.1568) will solve it. I installed RStudio and RMarkdown works fine. But now another Behavior will be visible. If I hold the key a tick too long it will be repeated some times.

So I uninstall RStudio and install the last released version of RStudio 1.2.1335 again. I found a workaround to integrate the latest Pandoc version in Rstudio (again no error on knitting). The autorepeat of keys is still present.

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