BatchGetSymbols error in download

Hello there! I am trying to use BatchGetSymbols to download financial data for a particular list of tickers, unfortunately, I get the message " Error in download.." for the vast majority of tickers. I've found an old post with a similar issue but the solution there was just to wait and this doesn't seem to work in this case.

This is the code I am using. I have included just the first 4 tickers as the problem persists regardless of the number of tickers I include. With these four I get the error for the first three while I am able to download the last one



b.out<-BatchGetSymbols(tickers = tick, =as.Date(2015-30-09), = as.Date(2020-30-09))

I am quite new to R and any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.




You have to put quotes in dates and specify the appropriate format to convert from character to Date, as.Date("2015-30-09", format = "%Y-%d-%m"), alternatively you can put in descending format like as.Date("2015-09-30").



b.out<-BatchGetSymbols(tickers = tick,
              =as.Date("2015-30-09", format = "%Y-%d-%m"),
              = as.Date("2020-30-09", format = "%Y-%d-%m"))
#> Running BatchGetSymbols for:
#>    tickers =AAP, ABT, AFL, AIG
#>    Downloading data for benchmark ticker
#> ^GSPC | yahoo (1|1) | Not Cached | Saving cache
#> AAP | yahoo (1|4) | Not Cached | Saving cache - Got 100% of valid prices | Good stuff!
#> ABT | yahoo (2|4) | Not Cached | Saving cache - Got 100% of valid prices | Good stuff!
#> AFL | yahoo (3|4) | Not Cached | Saving cache - Got 100% of valid prices | You got it!
#> AIG | yahoo (4|4) | Not Cached | Saving cache - Got 100% of valid prices | Good stuff!

It would be good to run the code with reprex to make feedback easier.

Thank you very much! Sorry for not using the correct format as I said I am quite new at using R

Sure no problem. If the answer is satisfactory please make sure to mark it as solved to stop other people who want to help from visiting this post.

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