Best practices for Shiny apps in vignettes?

Disclaimer: I am not that experienced with Shiny or with writing vignettes. I am currently working on a vignette for a ggplot2 extension package that demonstrates how the package can be used within a Shiny app. The vignette includes small snippets of code from the app, followed by descriptions of what each part does. However I also wanted to include the full app source code somehow. However it is >100 lines long and the vignette becomes awkwardly long if it's all included. I was wondering what the best or most accepted practice is, out of the following possibilities:

  • Embed the app in the vignette, so that users can see it in action. They can go back to the .Rmd file to get the source code of the app.
  • Include the source code in the vignette but do not embed the app, so that the document can be viewed in static form.
  • Include the source code in a separate .R file, with or without the app embedded in the vignette.

If anyone has any insights, that would be very helpful.

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