Biodiversity in U.S. National Parks - Shiny Contest Submission

Biodiversity in U.S. National Parks

Authors: Moriah Taylor

Abstract: This site is contains data from the National Park Service about all the species that are reported to live in each park. In this app, you can explore this data through bar charts and generated statistics and even compare two parks side-by-side.

Full Description: The National Park Service (NPS) is a federal agency created in the year 1916 that manages all national parks, many national monuments, and other conservation and historical properties. Their mission is to preserve the natural and cultural resources, as well as the values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. This site is built off data from the NPS about all the species (both animal and non-animal) that are reported to live in each park. In this app, you can explore data from a park through bar charts and generated statistics, and even compare two parks side-by-side. Under the “Other Versions” tab, you can find versions of this app in plain text, en español, and en plano texto. You will likely come across missing data – which will be denoted as either NA or Unknown – because there aren’t reliable reports of that category of species. This occurs most-often with invertebrates, non-vascular plants, fungi, and algae.

Keywords: ggplot2, wrangling, tidyverse, shinythemes
Shiny app:
Repo: national_parks_shiny/app.R at main · moriahtaylor1/national_parks_shiny · GitHub
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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