Blank error dialogue when changing RStudio Session if a VSCode Session exists

After some config changes to add VSCode as an option in the Job Launcher for our Posit Workbench installation (2022.07.2+576.pro12), a blank error dialogue box is always presented when clicking the Session in the top right corner of RStudio IDE if a VSCode session exists.

In the screenshot below, you can see there are 2 RStudio Sessions out of 3 Sessions. 1 of these Sessions is a VSCode one.

The error doesn't seem to be registered anywhere and doesn't impact functionality. I can just close it and select a different RStudio Session as per usual. The error does not show up in var/log/rstudio/rstudio-server/rserver.log nor is it shown in the live output of the session (via details of the Launcher Diagnostics).

Is this a known bug? Any idea on how to fix this?

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