blogdown (on hugo) VS hugo (sans blogdown)

Simpler, lighter, cleaner install and maintenance? IDK. There is some "this sparks joy" element for me in getting closer to the source and working without intermediates... Peeling off one layer of complexity.

I also kind of gravitate closer to plain Markdown, if one can help avoid running R on top. One reason is simplicity, with a good example in this thread:

IMO, ![](image.jpeg) Markdown syntax just seems to be some much cleaner than the whole knitr::include_graphics code chunk business.

Another reason is broader acceptance of Markdown. I can take my Markdown doc and use it beyond an RStudio session. Can't always do the same with an RMarkdown post in blogdown (well, I can, but with caveats). And if I need to run an R code on the side to generate a couple of images - I'm kind of OK with that.

Totally, I'm with you on that! It was very easy to start a blog with blogdown while knowing nothing about how to make things work. After a year of prodding, tinkering, breaking and groking things, I kind of done a lot of hugo things directly anyway... That's when I started to find blogdown as a layer of abstraction.
I guess it's the same way with, say, learning R via tidyverse: it gets you started fast, but inevitably you kind of learn some concepts along the way and later realize you don't need to load a package per every line of code.

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