Blogdown::serve_site() file not found error

Hi Mara,

I scoured the web to find an answer to my problems without any luck. This is my attempt to fix the problem:

  1. I uninstalled 'blogdown' and reinstalled it and got the same error. Conclusion. It is not exclusively a blogdown issue,

  2. Yihui has requested information from users.

[1] "/Users/PJO/Desktop/academic-kickstart"

list.files('content', '.md$', full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
[1] "content/home/" "content/home/"
[3] "content/home/" "content/home/"
[5] "content/home/" "content/home/"
[7] "content/home/" "content/home/"
[9] "content/home/" "content/post/"
[11] "content/post/2018-02-10-academic-kickstart.Rmd" "content/publication/"
[13] "content/talk/"

  1. Yihui suggested the following:
    file does not exist · Issue #63 · rstudio/blogdown · GitHub

R_nvim_wd = -1
Rendering content/post/2018-02-10-academic-kickstart.Rmd
Error: object 'CF.mb' not found
Execution halted
Error in render_page(f) :
Failed to render 'content/post/2018-02-10-academic-kickstart.Rmd'

  1. Searched. The file does not exist on my computer.
    PJO:~ PJO$ find ~ -name ""
    PJO:~ PJO$ find ~ -name "academic-kickstart.Rmd"

yihui added a commit that referenced this issue on Aug 5, 2017
fix #63: make sure the working directory is preserved when calling Rs… …

the Nvim-R plugin can mess up the working directoy, which sounds really bad...

Session info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setting value
version R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
system x86_64, darwin15.6.0
ui RStudio (1.1.383)
language (EN)
collate en_US.UTF-8
tz America/New_York
date 2018-02-11

Packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package * version date source
ansistrings 2018-01-31 Github (r-lib/ansistrings@f27619b)
assertthat 0.2.0 2017-04-11 cran (@0.2.0)

  1. Blogdown serve-site() aborting R session - #18 by pssguy

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
Loading required package: devtools
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘httpuv’

  • removing ‘/Users/PJO/Library/R/3.4/library/httpuv’
    Installation failed: Command failed (1)