blogdown server hanging after normalizePath("~") : path[1]="/sbuild-nonexistent": No such file warnings

I apologize ahead of time that I do not have a small, reproducible example - I
do have a 1600 line file on github. Mostly I just wanted to flag this and also
offer a mildly irritating fix in case someone else runs into this issue.

I've been having this odd issue arise with blogdown where I will start the
server, build a blog, it will give some odd warnings (see below), and then
display just fine. I edit the blog, the build happens again, the same warnings
appear, but now the server appears to be hung as the output does not refresh.

blogdown::stop_server() fails, so I restart R, restart the server, and
everything is fine. But it is always the second build run that causes the
server to hang.

> blogdown:::serve_site()
Launching the server via the command:
  /home/ajackson/.local/share/Hugo/0.104.3/hugo server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t hugo-tranquilpeak-theme -D -F --navigateToChanged
Serving the directory . at http://localhost:4321
Launched the hugo server in the background (process ID: 192617). To stop it, call blogdown::stop_server() or restart the R session.
Rendering content/post/2022-10-08-making-contour-maps-in-r/index.en-us.Rmd
....... stuff

There were 21 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> warnings()
Warning message:
In normalizePath("~") : path[1]="/sbuild-nonexistent": No such file or directory

Rendering content/post/2022-10-08-making-contour-maps-in-r/index.en-us
........ stuff
There were 21 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> warnings()
Warning message:
In normalizePath("~") : path[1]="/sbuild-nonexistent": No such file or directory
> blogdown::stop_server()
Warning message:
In blogdown::stop_server() :
  Failed to kill the process(es): 192617. You may need to kill them manually.

So at this point I restart R, restart the server, and everything looks just
fine. Until the second build following.

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If this is not solved yet, can you open issue in the blogdown github repo ?

thank you

Appears to be working now.

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