Bookdown update problem

I deployed my bookdown book back in February and all was fine and dandy. Someone commented to me about and error recently and I recall it working fine then (early May). The last documented change was April 7 (a 1 word typo). I really stopped working on it for a long time so I don't recall exactly when things went wrong. I've been fiddling with things the past couple of days so my GitHub shows more updates but it's really just resaving files and double-checking files (

I went to re-pin an old tweet about this book and checked the link and it was dead ( The listing is still up on Bookdown's website (152) but it won't work. There's a 504 error "Gateway Time-out" (sent link to another person and it was the same). RS Connect is a blank page with an error about not being able to connect to the host too.

I haven't used R in a while so I tried updating that and all the packages. Build book works fine. If I try to redeploy the site to the same URL I get a 500 error (your content could not be published because of a problem on the server. more information may be available on the server's home page... If the problem persists, contact the server's administrator. Error code: 500"). Deployment takes forever and gets stuck on GET /a/tasks/...first_status=72 xx ms for ages and doesn't finish or I get the server issue.

The only thing in my deplyment log that looks slightly off is:
pandoc-citeproc.exe: PandocResourceNotFound "apa-annotated..csl" Error running filter ...pandoc-citeproc.exe: Filter returned error status 1

The .csl file is in the right folder. I even redownloaded it to be sure it was good. It imports into Zotero just fine.

I tried deployment with a different URL and it works without a problem. But I don't want that URL because I've used the existing one already in several places (including my thesis).

How can I redeploy this to the same URL?

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I tried updating all my packages, reinstalled pandoc, un/re-installing yaml, re-downloading the .csl file and nothing worked. I just gave up and deleted the original site and used bookdown::publish_book(name = "STROBE_eduexpansion", render = "none") to replace the original site because the redeployment always hung or got an error about the server. All my disqus comments were wiped.

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