bookmarking custom inputs

Hi everyone!

At the moment I am writing a custom input that creates a set of selectizes all in the javascript part.

All works fine, with the exception of bookmarking, as nothing happens when I bookmark them. I expected this to happen as there is no way shiny, server or client, knows how to restore those selectors from a bookmark. My problem is I don't know where is the correct place to introduce the code to restore the bookmark.

I have debugged in several places, initialize, setValues, receiveMessage in the inputBinding on the client side with no luck, as well as patrolled a bit on the onRestore and onRestored functions.

I have thought a couple of workarounds such as parsing the query url or transforming the input in a module and use the onRestore and onRestored functions but I would like to learn how to do it properly.

Is there any resource regarding the bookmarking during custom input creation that someone could point me to? Or any hint to unblock me?

I have already tried with no luck:

Thanks a lot!

After checking some more documentation it seems like the correct way of doing so is using:

As seen in the wild:

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