Butterfly species richness in LA: various sources - Table Contest Submission

Butterfly species richness in LA: various sources

Authors: Pablo Bernabeu

Abstract: This table presents some of the open data about butterflies from a research study. The table includes HTML code including images and hyperlinks thanks to the 'reactable' package.

To adjust the position of the table, the following code was used.

Species details {style="background-color: #FCFCFC;"}

Column {style="data-width:100%; position:static; height:1000px;"}

The titles of the columns contain tooltips with extra information, which are unfolded while the mouse pointer hovers on them.

Full Description:

Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table:       Butterfly species richness in LA: various sources
Repo: https://github.com/pablobernabeu/Data-is-present/blob/master/examples-documents-dashboards/Dashboards/Flexdashboard/Butterfly-species-richness-in-LA.Rmd#L414-L500
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used: false
gt package used: false
reactable package used: true
flextable package used: false
huxtable package used: false
kableExtra package used: false
Other packages: