C19PL- Shiny Contest Submission

Corona19 Lokalnie

Authors: Maciej Nasiński

Abstract: The app is targeting Polish people so it is written with polish descriptions.
The main objective was to develop a mobile app for everyday monitoring of local corona virus pandemic stage in Poland. Some of the used packages: leaflet, sparkline, data.table and miniUI.

Full Description: The project started when I offered a ready to use Poland corona virus data provided by the polish government - GitHub - Polkas/coronaPL: corona virus data from Polish government and more. The pythonanywhere servers were used to update this data everyday and push them to the github repo in the csv format. The file size is around 8Mb so the own database looks to be to much in this case.
Finally I have the data so I want to provide sth useful for polish brothers and sisters. That is way I decided to build mobile phone suited app to check the corona virus pandemic stage in the specific local area. People are less mobile in last time so they should mostly care about the pandemic stage at their local area. I was inspired by the apps which offers the similar functionality although for quality of air. The main objective was to make the app useful for everyday usage so to be suited for mobile phones. The app is developed to be as simple as possible. btw. the miniUI package makes it even easier to develop.
The local risk on current day is assessed using ecdf under per district data.

Keywords: miniUI, corona, mobile, local, Poland, polish, corona19, phone, sparkline, leaflet
Shiny app: https://polkas.shinyapps.io/c19PL/
Repo: GitHub - Polkas/coronaPL: corona virus data from Polish government and more
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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