Caching chunks in RStudio does not work

I've run your example (minus the last \), and I'm getting a cache. You'll need to provide some more details for us to look over. Try running a document with just this chunk:

```{r, cache=TRUE}

You should see something like this:

## $cache
## [1] 3
## $cache.path
## [1] "test_cache/html/"
## $cache.rebuild
## [1] FALSE
## $dependson
## $autodep
## [1] FALSE

If the cached objects have a large combined size in memory, it may be just taking that long to load them from disk. Here are two chunks to test if a cache is actually being created:

"survival" %in% loadedNamespaces()

The first time you knit the document, before there's a cache, the second chunk will give the result TRUE. Afterwards, if there is a cache, it'll show FALSE. This is because knitr doesn't capture loaded packages in cache.

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