Calculating RR using glm with family="poisson"

Hi there I'm new using Rstudio and I was wondering if anybody could help me.

I'm trying to calculate relative risk (RR) for my data and the RR seems to be incorrect.
Here is f.x. descriptive statistics one of my variables:

jobactivity (%)
Good SQ: 9086 (92.0%)
Poor SQ: 16142 (79.0%)
Good SQ: 786 (8.0%)
Poor SQ: 4283 (21.0%)

According to my calculations, the crudeRR should be 1.32 (CI 95%: 1.30-1.34).

However, this is not the result when I use this method:

#Changing the ref. group from inactive to active
data$jobactivity <- relevel(data$jobactivity, "active")

# Model 7 (jobactivity  + SQ) - crude
Model7a <- glm(SQ10 ~ jobactivity, family = "poisson", data = data) 
tidy(Model7a, exponentiate = T, = T) 

# Model 7 (jobactivity + SQ) - adjusted for age
Model7b <- glm(SQ10 ~ jobactivity + age, family = "poisson", data = data) 
tidy(Model7b, exponentiate = T, = T) 

The incorrect outcomes from the models are:
CrudeRR: 0.43 (CI 95%: 0.40-0.46)
adjRR: 0.38 (CI 95%: 0.35-0.41)

Can somebody please help me.

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