Calculating Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in R

I am new to R and am trying to calculate the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using the following code.

SS <- read_csv("C:/Users/Aaisha/Desktop/Rain.csv", 
               col_types = cols(MONTH = col_integer(), 
                                year = col_integer())) # IMPORT DATA

newdata <- data.frame()   # MAKE A BLANK DATA FRAME
newdata <- data.frame(SS)   #PUT THE DATA IN THE NEW DATA FRAME
anyNA(newdata) #CHECK FOR MISSING DATA. TRUE = yes, data is missing. FALSE = no, data is not missing.
pob <-50 
SPIML(newdata, scale =3)

when I run the code i get the error message

********** Calculation Station RF1 
Error in if ((Hx[i] > 0) & (Hx[i] <= 0.5)) { : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In pgamma(Pt, shape = alpha, scale = beta) : NaNs produced

I have ensured that there are no missing values.
Would appreciate any help to understand the error code.

There is a relationship between you choice of scale and the minimum number of records/rows in your data.frame.
Using the SPIML documented example, which uses the data(Pm_Pisco); I saw if I reduced the number of entries below 26; while scaling at 3; it would error.
Do you have less than 26 entries?

scaling at 1 worked with 24 entries

Thank you for your reply.
Yes I have data from 1980 to 2019, for all 12 months. So I have 480 rows.
Also I want to calculate the SPI for multiple geographical locations, so I have arranged the data into seperate columns.

Then I don't know what your problem is;
Could you make a reprex ?

I used reprex to produce the following


#> Loading required package: GA
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: iterators
#> Package 'GA' version 3.2.3
#> Type 'citation("GA")' for citing this R package in publications.
#> Attaching package: 'GA'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     de
 SS <- read_csv("C:/Users/Aaisha/Desktop/Rain.csv", 
               col_types = cols(MONTH = col_integer(), 
                                year = col_integer())) # IMPORT DATA
newdata <- data.frame()   # MAKE A BLANK DATA FRAME
newdata <- data.frame(SS)   #PUT THE DATA IN THE NEW DATA FRAME
anyNA(newdata) #CHECK FOR MISSING DATA. TRUE = yes, data is missing. FALSE = no, data is not missing.
#> [1] FALSE
pob <-50 
SPIML(newdata, scale =3)
#> ********** Calculation Station RF1
#> Warning in pgamma(Pt, shape = alpha, scale = beta): NaNs produced
#> Error in if ((Hx[i] > 0) & (Hx[i] <= 0.5)) {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

#> ℹ Non-interactive session, setting `html_preview = FALSE`.
#> CLIPR_ALLOW has not been set, so clipr will not run interactively
#> Error in switch(where, expr = stringify_expression(x_expr), clipboard = ingest_clipboard(), : EXPR must be a length 1 vector

That didnt work...
we don't have your csv.
start your reprex from when you construct newdata; and share with us a representation of newdata :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply.
This is my data and the code with the error.

dput(head(SS, 200)[c("year", "RF1", "RF2")])
structure(list(year = c(1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L,
1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1980L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L,
1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L, 1981L,
1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1982L,
1982L, 1982L, 1982L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L,
1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1983L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L,
1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L, 1984L,
1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1985L,
1985L, 1985L, 1985L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L,
1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1986L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L,
1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L, 1987L,
1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1988L,
1988L, 1988L, 1988L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L,
1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1989L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L,
1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L, 1990L,
1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1991L,
1991L, 1991L, 1991L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L,
1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1992L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L,
1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L, 1993L,
1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1994L,
1994L, 1994L, 1994L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L,
1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1995L, 1996L, 1996L, 1996L,
1996L, 1996L, 1996L, 1996L, 1996L), RF1 = c(6.867742, 24.52051,
48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31,
191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225,
208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842,
14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175,
512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742,
24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455,
306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88,
112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625,
61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11,
419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394,
6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065,
443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051,
48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31,
191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225,
208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842,
14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175,
512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742,
24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455,
306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88,
112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625,
61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11,
419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394,
6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065,
443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051,
48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31,
191.9625, 61.86842, 14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225,
208.11, 419.7175, 512.065, 443.455, 306.31, 191.9625, 61.86842,
14.29394, 6.867742, 24.52051, 48.88, 112.8225, 208.11, 419.7175,
512.065, 443.455), RF2 = c(6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645,
208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303,
14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669,
511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835,
24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962,
306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134,
112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952,
61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015,
419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017,
6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952,
443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724,
48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538,
191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645,
208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303,
14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669,
511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835,
24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962,
306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134,
112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952,
61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015,
419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017,
6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952,
443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724,
48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538,
191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645,
208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303,
14.29017, 6.661835, 24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669,
511.7952, 443.2962, 306.2538, 191.8952, 61.8303, 14.29017, 6.661835,
24.51724, 48.86134, 112.7645, 208.015, 419.5669, 511.7952, 443.2962
)), row.names = c(NA, -200L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"


#> Loading required package: GA
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: iterators
#> Package 'GA' version 3.2.3
#> Type 'citation("GA")' for citing this R package in publications.
#> Attaching package: 'GA'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     de
 SS <- read_csv("C:/Users/Aaisha/Desktop/Rain.csv", 
               col_types = cols(MONTH = col_integer(), 
                                year = col_integer())) # IMPORT DATA
newdata <- data.frame()   # MAKE A BLANK DATA FRAME
newdata <- data.frame(SS)   #PUT THE DATA IN THE NEW DATA FRAME
anyNA(newdata) #CHECK FOR MISSING DATA. TRUE = yes, data is missing. FALSE = no, data is not missing.
#> [1] FALSE
pob <-50 
SPIML(newdata, scale =3)
#> ********** Calculation Station RF1
#> Warning in pgamma(Pt, shape = alpha, scale = beta): NaNs produced
#> Error in if ((Hx[i] > 0) & (Hx[i] <= 0.5)) {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

#> ℹ Non-interactive session, setting `html_preview = FALSE`.
#> CLIPR_ALLOW has not been set, so clipr will not run interactively
#> Error in switch(where, expr = stringify_expression(x_expr), clipboard = ingest_clipboard(), : EXPR must be a length 1 vector

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