Can we choose library folder automatically based on R version?

Hello there,

I was trying to have RStudio picked the library location automatically based on R version. I put these lines in either .Renviron or .Rprofile but it didn't work

if(grepl("3.6", strsplit(version[['version.string']], ' ')[[1]][3])){
} else {

Anyone tried to do this before and succeeded?

Thank you!

You are trying to set an environmental variable so you can try with this

if(grepl("3.6", strsplit(version[['version.string']], ' ')[[1]][3])){
} else {

But you could also modify the file on each R version to avoid checking for this.

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Thanks. How can I setup .Rprofile file separately for each R version?

I was talking about not .Rprofile but actually a better fit for this would be to set R_LIBS_USER in your file, this file doesn't exist by default but you can create it at $R_HOME/etc/ for each R version.

[1] "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-40~1.0"
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Yes this is the way. Thank you very much!

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