Cant access and open .RData

I am sorry for this newbie question but hope I'll get some help here.
I have loaded the geo coded UCDP date set ged181.RData .
I can see all variables and observations in the environment pan, but I am not able to access and manipulate the data.
I use the load()-funktion.

which returns a single character value (regardless if I use glimpse, str, class, uncles). I tried to force it into a data frame with as.tbl, but it gives me a warning since I only have one character value.

Unfortunately I neither understand the R Documentation, nor is there a video on DataCamp and the example code fromR Documentation doest seem to work.
Surely it can't be the most difficult think to open an .RData-file in R.

Thanks for your help!!!

(What a fascinating data source!)

Did the download complete correctly? When I tried it on my mac, it came as a 12MB zip file that unzipped into a 90 MB "unix executable file" with no extension. This wouldn't load, but when I added the extension .Rda or .RData (I think they're interchangeable), R was able to load the data frame.

> dim(ged181)
[1] 142902     43
> object.size(ged181)
118816696 bytes
> str(ged181)
'data.frame':	142902 obs. of  43 variables:
 $ id               : int  86148 94814 77563 17466 96586 72806 14068 17945 122796 53734 ...
 $ year             : int  1989 1989 1989 1989 1992 1989 1993 1989 1989 1989 ...
 $ active_year      : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ type_of_violence : int  3 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 ...
 $ conflict_new_id  : int  519 351 511 4841 531 520 1909 4840 209 10620 ...
 $ conflict_name    : chr  "Sikh insurgents - Civilians" "India:Punjab/Khalistan" "JVP - Civilians" "Supporters of IFP - Supporters of UDF " ...
 $ dyad_new_id      : int  986 775 978 5451 998 987 2391 5450 411 11230 ...
 $ dyad_name        : chr  "Sikh insurgents - Civilians" "Government of India - Sikh insurgents" "JVP - Civilians" "Supporters of IFP - Supporters of UDF " ...

Thanks a lot for your swift help! I can work with the data now - Hooray!
Yes, indeed, the institute in Uppsala provides very interesting, high quality data regarding conflicts.

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