Can't Color Label

So all of my labels are correctly colored except for one, which is a red circle instead of saying "D15F". My mentor ran the same codes and he did not have this problem. My rstudio is up to date. How do I get this to show the correct label? I've listed the codes below for reference

#NMDS analyses
WD <- "C:/Users/jacob/OneDrive/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/vegan/data"
phylum.dat <- read.csv("Phylum data for R.csv", stringsAsFactors = T, header = T, row.names = 1)
diversity(phylum.dat, index = "shannon")
specnumber(phylum.dat) #species number
beta <- vegdist(phylum.dat, "jaccard", binary = TRUE) #jaccard distance
dist(beta) #distance matrix
NMDS <- metaMDS(beta, distance = "jaccard", k = 2)
plot(NMDS, display = "sites", type = "text") #adds labels to plot
orditorp(NMDS, display = "sites", col = c(rep("red",4), rep("blue",4), rep("green",4))) #adds colors


To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

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Phylum p__Proteobacteria p__Actinobacteria p__Acidobacteria p__Bacteroidetes p__Gemmatimonadetes p__Chloroflexi p__Bacteria_unclassified
D15B 44.807 26.819 8.48 7.56 3.529 2.686 2.38
D610B 40.907 34.651 6.6 8.189 2.108 2.987 1.869
D15F 36.558 40.904 5.934 5.363 1.213 2.979 1.579
D610F 36.811 38.847 6.609 6.223 1.193 3.049 1.247
HR15B 39.401 39.446 5.89 4.716 1.541 4.128 2.3
HR610B 40.114 37.523 7.567 3.613 1.439 4.564 2.108
HR15F 45.911 29.881 5.795 4.65 1.006 5.304 1.36
HR610F 43.133 29.251 6.666 5.2 1.171 4.624 1.193
C15B 30.137 31.783 10.616 4.281 5.794 3.669 3.126
C610B 27.734 23.641 10.709 2.785 4.107 2.775 1.885
C15F 26.722 34.918 8.988 2.808 4.001 4.534 2.987
C610F 31.261 31.308 11.794 3.271 2.747 4.94 2.37

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