Can't create bookmarks on RSudio Community

For some time now I can no longer create bookmarks on this page:

Is there a maximum number of bookmarks a user can save?


I've had this issue recently also but not yet reported it myself until now.
I doubt there's a bookmark limit per user, because I routinely remove bookmarks I set after I don't need them anymore, so I have very few at any one time. Yet I have this same issue as you report. I'll flag this thread as requiring moderation, in the hopes that an appropriate technical admin for the forum comes across it. Thanks for prompting.


I am trying to bookmark a post so that I can find it again later and this error is appearing. The error appears for every day/time option.

If it's helpful, this is the post I am trying to bookmark: Dynamically create dataframe names based on glue-like operators as in SAS and STATA


I have this problem too, I sent a DM to Curtis but I have no response so far so I'm not sure if the DMs are working too.

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Works on firefox/ubuntu

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Thanks for pointing out this error. We updated discourse last Friday, and these updates often bring with them a few bugs like this. Looking at the discourse forums, I don't immediately see any quick resolution, but will follow up.


Update: we are still looking into this issue, sorry all.


For me it's working again, thanks for investigating!


I see ismirsehregal reports being able to make bookmarks as of Friday. An update went through today that we believe resolved this issue.

The core issue was that in our update two weeks ago, our database didn't fully migrate correctly. We had to rebuild the database.

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This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

If you have a query related to it or one of the replies, start a new topic and refer back with a link.

Just to follow-up, nearly certain we resolved this bookmark error message issue 1.5 weeks ago with a new update. If I understood the issue correctly, there was a flaw in our database migration, which messed up an index, which meant certain operations were not possible, returning those 500 errors.

About 10 hours again we did one more update that we hope sorts out any lingering issues. :crossed_fingers:

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