Can't knit anymore after Updating on R 4.0.0 and Version 1.3.959 (Error Install.Rtools)

Hello Guys,

I run into an issue and I can't figure out how to fix it. Every time I want to knit something the Error

Fehler: konnte Funktion "install.Rtools" nicht finden
Ausführung angehalten
It says Error: couldn't find the function "install.Rtools" ...

I still can run code chunks so I'm a bit irritated. Maybe you can give me some advice, I'm still a novice with r studio

Hi @STG8700,
Welcome to the RStudio Community Forum.

The install.Rtools() function mentioned in the error message comes from the installr package. Have you run library(installr)?
Also note that the latest R version, R-4.0.0, requires a new version of Rtools to be installed on your machine. The relevant link if you use Windows is (at your local CRAN mirror):

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