Can't see forecast on test set that I chose when using autoplot and autolayer


I am trying to show all of my series which is 7 daily observations on a plot.
I formed a training set and a test set
My training set is composed of the 1st 5 observations and my test set of the last 2
I want to use autoplot and autolayer to show my series for the 7 observations and my forecasts
for the last two observations using different methods

# Libraries ### 



n = c(717,17385, 15201,14954, 13241, 13165, 246)
ts_rep <- ts(n, frequency = 1, start = as.Date("2019-11-17"))
# Autoplot ## 
a_rep <- autoplot(ts_rep) +
  ggtitle("Manual Changes by Day") +
  xlab("Day") +


Splitting data into training set and test set
Using the subset function I want to show all the series using autoplot
And the forecasts for the last 2 observations
I am getting the following error :
Error in forecast2plotdf(object, PI = PI, showgap = showgap) :
Could not find forecast x axis

mean_method <- meanf(ts_rep[1:5],h=2)
naive_method <- rwf(ts_rep[1:5],h=2)
seasonal_naive_method <- snaive(ts_rep[1:5],h=2)
autoplot(ts_rep) +
  autolayer(mean_method, series="Mean", PI=FALSE) +
  autolayer(naive_method, series="Naïve", PI=FALSE) +
  autolayer(seasonal_naive_method, series="Seasonal naïve", PI=FALSE) +
  xlab("Day") + ylab("Thousands") +
  ggtitle("Forecasts for Daily Manual Changes") +

I appreciate any help

The first problem here is that ts() does not handle dates like this. So the date is being converted to a large number. Then when you produce forecasts, ts_rep[1:5] will drop the time index information, and so the forecasts will be for times 6 and 7, rather than at the times corresponding to the future of ts_rep. A better approach is to use window() or subset() to create your training data.

A smaller problem is that snaive() will be equivalent to naive() as the frequency is set to 1.

Here is how to do it using the same approach.


ts_rep <- ts(c(717, 17385, 15201, 14954, 13241, 13165, 246), frequency = 1)
mean_method <- meanf(subset(ts_rep, end = 5), h = 2)
naive_method <- rwf(subset(ts_rep, end = 5), h = 2)
autoplot(ts_rep) +
  autolayer(mean_method, series = "Mean", PI = FALSE) +
  autolayer(naive_method, series = "Naïve", PI = FALSE) +
  xlab("Day") + ylab("Thousands") +
  ggtitle("Forecasts for Daily Manual Changes") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Forecast"))

Created on 2020-03-31 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

However, I would recommend you use the fable rather than forecast package for this, as it is much easier for handling daily data. Here is the same analysis done using fable.


tsibble_rep <- tsibble(
  day = seq(as.Date("2019-11-17"), l = 7, by = 1),
  n = c(717, 17385, 15201, 14954, 13241, 13165, 246),
  index = day
tsibble_rep %>%
  autoplot(n) +
  ggtitle("Manual Changes by Day") +
  xlab("Day") + ylab("Thousands")

fc <- tsibble_rep %>%
  filter(day <= as.Date("2019-11-21")) %>%
    mean = MEAN(n),
    naive = NAIVE(n)
  ) %>%
  forecast(h = "2 days")

fc %>%
  autoplot(tsibble_rep, level = NULL) +
  xlab("Day") + ylab("Thousands") +
  ggtitle("Forecasts for Daily Manual Changes") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Forecast"))

Created on 2020-03-31 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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Both great solutions. Thanks a lot!

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