Capturing the complete search output from 'fulltext' package?

Hi, I am using the 'fulltext' package to extract article titles and abstracts from bmc. As you can see, the search found records but displays only a few. i want to be able to capture the entire search output to a df. I'd really appreciate any insight on this.

res <- ft_search(query = 'covid', from = 'bmc', limit = 10)
Query: [covid] 
Records found, returned: [66677, 10] 
License: [variable, see `openaccess` field in results] 
# A tibble: 10 x 17
   contenttype  identifier  url    title     creators publicationname   openaccess doi    publisher publicationdate
   <chr>        <chr>       <list> <chr>     <list>   <chr>             <chr>      <chr>  <chr>     <chr>          
 1 Chapter      doi:10.100… <df [… Comparat… <df [9 … Tracking and Pre… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 2 Chapter      doi:10.100… <df [… COVID-19… <df [1 … Smart Villages    false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 3 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Nonlinea… <df [4 … Expert Clouds an… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 4 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Public R… <df [3 … Intelligent Comp… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 5 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Modern T… <df [4 … Applied Informat… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 6 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Mapping … <df [4 … Intelligent Comp… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 7 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Towards … <df [3 … WITS 2020         false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 8 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Death Pr… <df [2 … Advanced Computi… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
 9 Chapter Con… doi:10.100… <df [… Modeling… <df [4 … Artificial Intel… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
10 Chapter      doi:10.100… <df [… Applicat… <df [1 … Tracking and Pre… false      10.10… Springer  2022-01-01     
# … with 7 more variables: publicationtype <chr>, printisbn <chr>, electronicisbn <chr>, isbn <chr>, genre <chr>,
#   copyright <chr>, abstract <chr>

Hi @Nile,
The search found 66,677 records but you only asked for limit=10 to be retrieved (the default number).

Hi Dave, I did that on purpose to not surpass my daily quota as this was just for example. It always shows the same number of rows no matter how many records does it find.

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