Caret to tidymodels

Looks like tidymodels is great way to build models using R. How does a caret user transition to using tidymodels?

  • tidymodels gives me a feeling of being loosely knit, where as caret had it all in one package.
  • Is there a natural way to use model validation/interpretation packages like iml and DALEX?
  • Are there some cookbook like examples comparing how some problems are solved with caret and tidymodels for side-by-side comparision?

Looking at version numbers of what is included in tidymodels I would say you are right about it being loosely knit. At the same time it's a bit early to expect very tightly-knit framework. Most pieces are there (I think), but at the same time it's not yet ready for prime time in the same way caret is.
However, seeing that author of caret and tidymodels is the same person gives me a lot of hope that given time it'll be even more obvious how to use things tidymodels-way without any compromise to caret.

That's correct. The tidyverse is more about modular packages that are designed to play well with one another. The main issue with caret is that, being all in one package, it is very difficult to extend it into areas that people are interested in.

If you interested in the game plan, there is a tentative list of projects that we are working on. A good chunk is infrastructure. Please suggest things too.

The bottom line is that the tidymodels set should do what caret does and more. They'll be more worked examples coming especially when parsnip and the workflow package is done.

Is there a natural way to use model validation/interpretation packages like iml and DALEX?

Not yet but I don't think that it would be difficult. I use those and lime so there is interest there.