Change date format from 7 characters to 10 characters

I have following format of dates in CSV file, which I want to change to 10 character date, format %y, %m, %d.

|04/27/2023|04/27/2023| = 10 chatater dates (excel)
|11/2022|12/2022| = 7 character dates (excel)

some values have 7 characters and others have 10. You can I use dplyr::case_when() and nchar() to build the logic to change the date to 10 characters and then to Format %y, %m, %d?
Thank you.

Below is one approach, which adds the first day of the month to the 7 character dates.


d = data.frame(
  date = c('04/27/2023', '04/28/2023', '12/2022', '01/2022')

d %>%
  mutate(month = substr(date,1,2),
         year = substr(date, nchar(date) - 1, nchar(date)),
         day = ifelse(nchar(date) != 10, '01', substr(date,4,5))
         ) %>%
  mutate(y_m_d = paste0(year, ', ', month, ', ', day)) %>%
  select(date, y_m_d)
#>         date      y_m_d
#> 1 04/27/2023 23, 04, 27
#> 2 04/28/2023 23, 04, 28
#> 3    12/2022 22, 12, 01
#> 4    01/2022 22, 01, 01

Created on 2023-02-08 with reprex v2.0.2.9000

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Thank you Scotty , problem solved.

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