Changes titel ggboxplot

Dear R studio

So I've made this plot but I would like to change the name of the groups so
"1" = "CRP < 10", "2 " = "CRP 10-50" , "3" = "CRP > 50"

Morover I would like to change the titel of each seperate plot
so "Uge -1" = "pre", "Uge 0 = dag 0" and so on.

Hope you can help :slight_smile:

Best, Kathrine

my_comparisons <- list( c("1", "2"), c("2", "3"), c("1", "3") )
kw <- ggboxplot(samletdata, x = "CRPgroup1", y = "CTX",
color = "CRPgroup1", palette = "jco", = "Uge", add = "jitter", ylim=c(0,10),
short.panel.labs = FALSE) +
stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, label = "p.signif")+
stat_compare_means(label.y = 9)

title = "CRP",
xlab ="Figure 8A",
ylab = "CTX",
legend.title = "CRP group")


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Check this information. This is the guides that you need.

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