Changes to Logging

Hi community!

On Tuesday, March 15th, 2022, we deployed a change to the infrastructure responsible for storing and serving application logs that may change the order in which log lines are returned. Specifically, when an application is logging at a high rate, there is a chance that some long lines will appear out of order when the logs are later retrieved through the dashboard or via the rsconnect::showLogs() function. It’s important to note that the timestamps on the individual log lines are correct and represent the actual time the log line was recorded.

The change to our logging infrastructure is a necessary first step to modernizing our logging system to provide more reliability and improved capabilities in the future. However, we have every expectation that this issue is transitory, as are we busy working toward making additional improvements that will ultimately resolve this problem. In the meantime, we suggest that if you use this logging where ordering is important, you should ensure the logs are sorted after they are retrieved.

As always, we welcome any feedback on this issue, so please let us know if you have any questions or comments so we can continue to improve our service!

Thank you,