Changing the names of labels and legend

Dear R-Studio Community,
Although I initially had lots of troubles realizing my likert plot, I now managed to do so. I have created a plot I'm happy with, such as the one attached. I already managed to change the names of "Community1" and "Community2".

Now I would also like to change the Responses 1-6 to "1 = Strongly agree", "2 = Slightly agree", "3=Agree", etc.
Instead of "econ_comm" I would like to have the original question, e.g. "This is the most important economic aspect for my community".

This is the code I want to work with...

#Laden der Daten aus Excel
g<-read.csv2("C:/Users/felix/OneDrive/Documents/R/SurveyData2.csv", sep=";", dec=",", header=TRUE)

#Both-Object erstellen

#Convert to factors
g <-  within(g, {
  econ_comm <- factor(econ_comm, levels=1:6)
  future_persp <- factor(future_persp, levels=1:6)
} )

comm_likert = likert(g[,2:3], grouping=g[,1])

Thank you very much for your help!!
Best, Felix

#Convert to factors
mylabels<-c("1 - love","2 - good",3:6)
g <-  within(g, {
  `pretty econ name` <- factor(econ_comm,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
  `nice future name` <- factor(future_persp, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
} )
#if 2:3 >> 4:5 as i added two new columns here
comm_likert = likert(g[,4:5],grouping = g[,1])

Dear nirgrahamuk,
That worked really fine for two variables. If I try to apply this to a range of factors (14 in total), I get this error:

> mylabels<-c("Completely agree","Agree","Slightly agree", "Slightly disagree", "Disagree", "Completely disagree" )
> g <-  within(g, {
+   `XXX` <- factor(agree_comm,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(future_persp, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(coexist_tradact,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(emigration_comm, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(fear_environ,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(gold_21cent, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(informed_deals,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(life_quality, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(proud_comm,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(support_govern, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(water_quant,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(work_project, labels=mylabels,ordered=TRUE)
+   `XXX` <- factor(workers_comm,labels=mylabels , ordered=TRUE)
+ } )
 Fehler in factor(proud_comm, labels = mylabels, ordered = TRUE) : 
  ungültige 'labels'; Länge 6 sollte 1 oder 5 sein 
> #if 2:3 >> 4:5 as i added two new columns here
> comm_likert = likert(g[,26:30],grouping = g[,1])
Fehler in `[.data.frame`(g, , 26:30) : undefined columns selected
> plot(comm_likert)

Do you have an idea why? I always get the same two scales as a result...

I would investigate what the unique() values of proud_comm are in the original dataset. I expect it will be different than the other variables

Also why is everything being renamed to XXX, that seems wrong?

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