checkboxGroupInput with conditionalPanel - comparing multiple check boxes from the same group

I have two checkboxGroupInputs. checkboxGroupInput-1 has four check boxes and the other checkboxGroupInput-2 can have many check boxes. I want to implement a conditionalPanel for the following conditions:

display conditionalPanel when:

  1. checkboxGroupInput-1 chkbx_1 and any check box from checkboxGroupInput-2 is checked.

  2. checkboxGroupInput-1 chkbx_2 and any check box from checkboxGroupInput-2 is checked.

  3. checkboxGroupInput-1 chkbx_1 and chkbx_2 and any check box from checkboxGroupInput-2 is checked.

I can get condition 1 and 2 to work but not 3.

The problem I am having is not knowing how to determine which check box is checked and how to compare individual values for the check boxes that are checked.


checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "ckboxgroup-1",
"ckbx_1" = "checkbox 1",
"ckbx_2" = "checkbox 2",
"ckbx_3" = "checkbox 3",
"ckbx_4" = "checkbox 4"

checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "ckboxgroup-2",
"ckbx_1" = "checkbox 1",
"ckbx_2" = "checkbox 2",
"ckbx_3" = "checkbox 3",
"ckbx_4" = "checkbox 4",
"ckbx_5" = "checkbox 5"
conditionalPanel(condition = 'length(input.ckboxgroup-2) !=0 && (input.ckboxgroup-1 == "checkbox 1" && input.ckboxgroup-1 == "checkbox 2" ')

If you cannot do this then what is the point of having a check box group if you cannot compare multiple checked boxes from the same group?

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