Choose the corresponding column of the datadet

I want to see the best-performing products sales in a table and not in a plot.

Ex. Products = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sales = 50 40 90 100 120 110 110 120 150 150

If there are over 1000's of datasets and I want to pick the top 5 sales based on products. what would be the code?

Tried using if-else function but doesn't seem to be working.

Q.2 can you share some references to understand the ifelse R functions concept ?

thanks in advance

The easiest way to get the top values may be to sort the data by Sales and take the first N rows.

DF <- data.frame(Prod = 1:10,
  Sales = c(50, 40, 90, 100, 120, 110, 110, 120, 150, 150))
#>    Prod Sales
#> 1     1    50
#> 2     2    40
#> 3     3    90
#> 4     4   100
#> 5     5   120
#> 6     6   110
#> 7     7   110
#> 8     8   120
#> 9     9   150
#> 10   10   150
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

DF <- arrange(DF, desc(Sales)) #Sort by Sales in descending order
# get a subset of the top 3 Sales 
Top3Prod <- DF[1:3,]
#>   Prod Sales
#> 1    9   150
#> 2   10   150
#> 3    5   120

Created on 2020-08-05 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

charlatan::ch_color_name(n = 15) -> products
charlatan::ch_integer(n = 15) -> sales,sales)) -> dataset 
dataset %>% arrange(desc(as.numeric(sales))) %>% head(.,5)
#>        products sales
#> 1   LightSalmon   927
#> 2 LavenderBlush   708
#> 3     LightBlue   706
#> 4     CadetBlue   676
#> 5          Blue   634
dataset %>% mutate(oddeven = ifelse(as.numeric(sales) %% 2 == 0,"even","odd"))
#>           products sales oddeven
#> 1        CadetBlue   676    even
#> 2      LightSalmon   927     odd
#> 3        LightBlue   706    even
#> 4  MediumVioletRed    92    even
#> 5          OldLace   237     odd
#> 6             Blue   634    even
#> 7             Lime   425     odd
#> 8    LavenderBlush   708    even
#> 9       Aquamarine   198    even
#> 10           Linen   442    even
#> 11    LightSkyBlue   629     odd
#> 12           Beige    48    even
#> 13          Sienna   367     odd
#> 14   PaleVioletRed   371     odd
#> 15          Orange   170    even

Created on 2020-08-05 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
ifelse takes an expression, such as a == 5 that returns a logical value and returns one value if TRUE, and another if FALSE.

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