chrome beta not opening with RSelenium

I am getting the following error when I open RSelenium with chrome:

Selenium message:unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from unknown error: unexpected command response
(Session info: chrome=103.0.5060.66)
Build info: version: '4.0.0-alpha-2', revision: 'f148142cf8', time: '2019-07-01T21:30:10'
System info: host: 'EC2AMAZ-1JRGETJ', ip: '', 'Windows Server 2016', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '17.0.1'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown

THis post in SO python - selenium / seleniumwire unknown error: cannot determine loading status from unknown error: unexpected command response - Stack Overflow
recommends running chrome beta.

How to make RSelenium run chrome beta. In particular, how do you instruct RSelenium to open chrome beta?

This is possible in python: chrome_options.binary_location = "/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Beta"

How to do it in RSelenium?

Yours sincerely,

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