Clean author name in a string

Hi community

I'm obtain this data with web scraping. I'm want select only the author name, for make a columns like Author, Year ,Title, DOI ,Other info

This is an example of larger data set with the same estructure.

Im dont know how to make maybe with gsub

DATAVERSE <-c("Hyman, Glenn Graham, 2020, \"Global Climate Regions for Cassava\",, Harvard Dataverse, V2", 
"Dyer, George; González, Carolina; Lopera, Diana C, 2012, \"Informal “Seed” systems and the management of gene flow in traditional agroecosystems: the case of cassava in Cauca, Colombia\",, Harvard Dataverse, V1"
Author year Title DOI other info
Hyman, Glenn Graham 2020 Global Climate Regions for Cassava Harvard Dataverse, V2
Dyer, George; González, Carolina; Lopera, Diana C 2012 Informal “Seed” systems and the management of gene flow in traditional agroecosystems: the case of cassava in Cauca, Colombia Informal “Seed” systems and the management of gene flow in traditional agroecosystems: the case of cassava in Cauca, Colombia - CIAT - International Center for Tropical Agriculture Dataverse Harvard Dataverse, V1


Im make this: the idea is obtain the 23 items
Im get different columns but the author is mixed cell.


website <-""

website <- GET(website, add_headers('user-agent' = 'Gov employment data scraper ([[your email]])'))

Title <- vector()
Fecha <- vector()
link <- vector()
Autores <- vector()

#loop through nodes
for (i in 1:10){
  Title[i]<- website %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(xpath=paste0(' //*[@id="resultsTable"]/tbody/tr[',i,']/td/div/div[1]')) %>% 
    html_text(trim = T) 
  Fecha[i] <-website  %>% 
  read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(xpath=paste0(' //*[@id="resultsTable"]/tbody/tr[',i,']/td/div/span[1]')) %>%
    html_text(trim = T)
  link[i] <-website  %>% 
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(xpath=paste0('  //*[@id="resultsTable"]/tbody/tr[',i,']/td/div/div[3]/a')) %>%
    html_text(trim = T)

  Autores[i] <-website  %>% 
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(xpath=paste0('  //*[@id="resultsTable"]/tbody/tr[',i,']/td/div/div[3]')) %>%
    html_text(trim = T)

pag1 <- data.frame(Title,Fecha,link, Autores)

Hello @M_AcostaCH ,

I wonder if this is the best one can do with scraping. Can you tell us the source of DATAVERSE (on the web) ?

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The stringr package is very handy for dealing with strings, you can do something like this:


DATAVERSE <-c("Hyman, Glenn Graham, 2020, \"Global Climate Regions for Cassava\",, Harvard Dataverse, V2", 
              "Dyer, George; González, Carolina; Lopera, Diana C, 2012, \"Informal “Seed” systems and the management of gene flow in traditional agroecosystems: the case of cassava in Cauca, Colombia\",, Harvard Dataverse, V1"

str_extract(DATAVERSE, "^.+?(?=,\\s\\d{4})")
#> [1] "Hyman, Glenn Graham"                              
#> [2] "Dyer, George; González, Carolina; Lopera, Diana C"

Created on 2022-10-25 with reprex v2.0.2

Although, you might need to refine the regular expression to match your needs.

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For my questions was the response. Because the other information Im get with web scraping.
I need learn more about clean this strings. :ok_hand:t4:

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