Code and script viewer

Hi all,
I would like to ask whether there is automatic code or script viewer (especially based on artificial intelligence) that can replace human in code and scripts viewing and check.


I'm not sure I understand the question. What do you mean by viewer? And where would AI come in ? Please provide us some more in depth description.


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I am looking for tools that could replace humans in checking scripts and codes. Indeed the check of scripts is very time and effort consuming, especially when we are alone to write codes and scripts and check them by ourseleves. So I am wondering if there are tools (based on AI or not) that can replace humans in this task.
Best regards,


I'm still not sure what you mean by "checking". Here are some things that exist:

  • If you are using something like RStudio, it will notify you when you write incorrect syntax by highlighting the line.
  • If your code contains an error that is not syntax based, it will generate an error message and you can debug using tools available in RStudio
  • If you need to test a set of code that is being worked on, you can use packages like testthat which will perform unit testing on you scripts by running it with different sets of inputs testing various scenarios.

Just to be clear, there is no AI that can check and correct your code, should that be the case, this forum would not be needed :slight_smile:

Hope this helps,

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