Colourizing Code - "R For Data Science"dry

Hi everyone, I am new to the community so please feel free to correct me if I am not posting properly.

My question pertains to how I can colourize my code in a similar fashion to how the authors of "R For Data Science" do in their work. An example can be found Here. I am hoping to try and mimic the code found in the book both for ease of reading, my own preference for that particular aesthetic, and for future work when I begin to learn simulations and performing econometric analysis. Currently, I am familiar with how to change the appearance of the code via the pathway Tools -> Global Options -> Appearence, but the issue I am having is that I cannot seem to find any themes that mimic that of the text. I took a screencapture of what I have now, and as you can see, the main block text is one colour while the parenthesis, for example, are slightly different. I can imagine that as code grows more complicated, this would make it somewhat difficult to read.

TL;DR --> How do I get my code to look like the code found in the "R for Data Science" book?