Computation failed in `stat_signif()`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed/not enough 'y' values

I am sorry, for the last post. Linking back to my question while I am trying to compare significance between obtained values for example:

ggplot(Acetylcholine3, aes( x = Concentration, y = Change, outlier.alpha = 0.1))+
              geom_boxplot(width=0.2,notch = FALSE) +
              ggtitle("Comparison of different concentrations of Acetylcholine") +
              geom_violin(fill = "#5e99ff")+
        labs(x = expression(paste("Concentration")),
             y = expression(paste("Heart   Beat"))) +
        geom_point() +
        labs(x = expression(paste("Concentration"))) +
                  *stat_compare_means(comparisons = list(c("Acetylcholine 1x10-7", "Control"), c("Control", "Acetylcholine 1x10-6"),  c("Control", "Acetylcholine  1x10-5"),label = "p.signif"))*

I am getting that error -> Computation failed in stat_signif(): missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

or, when using this code:

ggplot(Acetylcholine3, aes( x = Concentration, y = Change, outlier.alpha = 0.1))+
              geom_boxplot(width=0.2,notch = FALSE) +
              ggtitle("Comparison of different concentrations of Acetylcholine") +
              geom_violin(fill = "#5e99ff")+
        labs(x = expression(paste("Concentration")),
             y = expression(paste("Heart   Beat"))) +
        geom_point() +
        labs(x = expression(paste("Concentration"))) +
                  *geom_signif(comparisons = list(c("Control", "Acetylcholine 1x10-3")),map_signif_level = TRUE, y_position = c(260), colour = "#cf1b1b")*

I am getting this error:

Unfortunately, I cannot find any solution. I am guessing that the R does not see something.

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