connect to oracle data base using source()

I can connect to our oracle data base via odbc like so:

odbcConnection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                 dsn = "OracleDSN",
                                 UID = Sys.getenv("Oracle_UID"),
                                 PWD = Sys.getenv("Oracle_PWD"))

The odbcConnection object gets created and in the Rstudio connections pane the data base list pops up.

I would like to do the same using source() where connect_to_oracle.R contains above code:

source(file path to connect_to_oracle.R)

No error, the odbcConnection object gets created and I can use it programmatically.

BUT: In the Rstudio connections pane the data base list does not pop up, nothing appears there.

Using R 3.6.0 and Rstudio Server Version 1.2.5001

Any ideas why that may be the case?


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