Convert the values in a column of data to values in the range [-1, 1]

I want to standardize the monthly signal in the range of [-1,1] by yyyymm.
I just know the code like below, but it did the standardize in the whole column. What I need is to standardize the signal month by monty.

df$x<- scale(df$signal, center = 0, scale = max(abs(df$signal)))

Thank you very much!

permno yyyymm signal

10001 201705 1.47
10026 201705 0.32
10028 201705 -0.36
10001 201706 1.45
10026 201706 0.31
10028 201706 0.22
10001 201707 -1.41
10026 201707 0.32
10028 201707 -0.28

permno yyyymm signal
10001 201705  1.47
10026 201705  0.32
10028 201705  -0.36
10001 201706  1.45
10026 201706  0.31
10028 201706  0.22
10001 201707  -1.41
10026 201707  0.32
10028 201707  -0.28

Here is one way

# example data
df <- readr::read_delim("permno yyyymm signal
10001 201705 1.47
10026 201705 0.32
10028 201705 -0.36
10001 201706 1.45
10026 201706 0.31
10028 201706 0.22
10001 201707 -1.41
10026 201707 0.32
10028 201707 -0.28"
,delim = " ")

#solution starts here
split(df,~df$yyyymm) |> map_dfr(\(x){
  x$scaled_x <- as.numeric(scale(x$signal, 
                                 center = 0, 
                                 scale = max(abs(x$signal))))

Thank you very much for your reply! But it seems that the results are not standardized by month :sob:

Use group feature from dplyr package will solve this easily.

> library(tidyverse)
> df %>% group_by(yyyymm) %>% mutate(signal = scale(signal,center = 0,scale = max(abs(signal))))
# A tibble: 9 × 3
# Groups:   yyyymm [3]
  permno yyyymm signal[,1]
   <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>
1  10001 201705      1    
2  10026 201705      0.218
3  10028 201705     -0.245
4  10001 201706      1    
5  10026 201706      0.214
6  10028 201706      0.152
7  10001 201707     -1    
8  10026 201707      0.227
9  10028 201707     -0.199

Relevant information can be found at Grouped data • dplyr

Thank you very much! With your answer, I finally got what I wanted!

df %>% 
  group_by(yyyymm) %>%
  mutate(signal1 = rescale(signal, to = c(-1, 1))) %>%

The solution I supplied, on the data provided gives me the result

# A tibble: 9 × 4
  permno yyyymm signal scaled_x
   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1  10001 201705   1.47    1    
2  10026 201705   0.32    0.218
3  10028 201705  -0.36   -0.245
4  10001 201706   1.45    1    
5  10026 201706   0.31    0.214
6  10028 201706   0.22    0.152
7  10001 201707  -1.41   -1    
8  10026 201707   0.32    0.227
9  10028 201707  -0.28   -0.199

I don't know why you saw different numbers, perhaps R version ?
Did you have any errors running my code?
Did you alter any of it ?

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