Convert timestamp by milliseconds

I would like to convert timestamp by milliseconds. Can i still do this with the lubridate package?


df <- data.frame(timestamp = c("1 2018-11-08T07:41:55.921Z",
                               "2 2018-11-08T07:42:29.842Z",
                               "3 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "4 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "5 2018-11-08T07:43:13.957Z"))

df %>%
  #note your timestamp has index info, separating that out
  separate(timestamp, c('index', 'datetime'), sep = ' ') %>% 
  # converting the form of "2018-11-08T07:41:55.921Z" to POSIXct date-time objects
  # check out `?ymd_hms` docs if you want to force a timezone other than UTC
  mutate(time_clean = lubridate::ymd_hms(datetime)) %>% 
    # see 
    # formating details
    date = format(time_clean,format = '%F'),
    time = format(time_clean,format = '%T')

You are not using lubridate for printing the timestamp to any particular format, that is done by base R format() function, and yes, you can get miliseconds too. Just have in mind that the result is a character vector and you are not going to be able to directly perform calculations with it or use it on an axis with a continuous scale.


df <- data.frame(timestamp = c("1 2018-11-08T07:41:55.921Z",
                               "2 2018-11-08T07:42:29.842Z",
                               "3 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "4 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "5 2018-11-08T07:43:13.957Z"))
df %>% 
    separate(timestamp, c('index', 'datetime'), sep = ' ') %>%
    mutate(time_clean = lubridate::ymd_hms(datetime)) %>% 
    mutate(date = format(time_clean,format = '%F'), 
           time = format(time_clean,format = '%H:%M:%OS')) %>%
    select(date, time)
#>         date         time
#> 1 2018-11-08 07:41:55.921
#> 2 2018-11-08 07:42:29.842
#> 3 2018-11-08 07:42:29.845
#> 4 2018-11-08 07:42:29.845
#> 5 2018-11-08 07:43:13.957

Created on 2019-01-26 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Many Thanks. Can I convert it back to time format to perform any calculation? The reason I want to change it to show in milliseconds so, I can merge the data with the timestamp to another data frame. Merging to the nearest minutes, I missing a lot of values.

I am getting this message when i try to convert the whole dataframe:

Warning message:
Expected 2 pieces. Missing pieces filled with NA in 1543681 rows [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ...]

No need for convert it back, the POSIXct object is already stored with full precision, you are just not seen it because of your digits.secs option.


df <- data.frame(timestamp = c("1 2018-11-08T07:41:55.921Z",
                               "2 2018-11-08T07:42:29.842Z",
                               "3 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "4 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z",
                               "5 2018-11-08T07:43:13.957Z"))
options(digits.secs=3) # Change digits.sec to show milliseconds
df %>% 
    separate(timestamp, c('index', 'datetime'), sep = ' ') %>%
    mutate(time_clean = lubridate::ymd_hms(datetime))
#>   index                 datetime              time_clean
#> 1     1 2018-11-08T07:41:55.921Z 2018-11-08 07:41:55.921
#> 2     2 2018-11-08T07:42:29.842Z 2018-11-08 07:42:29.842
#> 3     3 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z 2018-11-08 07:42:29.845
#> 4     4 2018-11-08T07:42:29.845Z 2018-11-08 07:42:29.845
#> 5     5 2018-11-08T07:43:13.957Z 2018-11-08 07:43:13.957

About your warning message, I can't tell why is happening because I don't have access to your data, but is very likely that you have some missing values.


Prefect. Thanks Very Much for your help. That's very helpful.

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