Converting matlab script into r script

I have an assignment about converting matlab codes into R ones. It's just 62 rows, but i don't know how matlab works, so i tried to use a package called mat2r to convert it, but after i convert my codes I don't see big changes (therefore its full off errors). I'm a beginner and It's an important assignment for me, I would be so grateful if someone could help me.
The matlab codes:
Date = readmatrix('BankSystemicRiskAnalysis.xlsx',...
'Range','A:A'); %read the dates
Date = x2mdate(Date); %convert date format

Prices = readmatrix('BankSystemicRiskAnalysis.xlsx',...
'Range','B:Q'); % read the asset prices
AssetListShort = {'JPM','BAC','C','WFC','GS','MS','BK','USB','PNC','COF',...
'STT','BBT','STI','AXP','FITB','RF'}; %short asset names
AssetListLong = {'JPMorgan','BankofAmerica','Citigroup','WellsFargo','GoldmanSachs','MorganStanley',...
'BB&TCorp','SunTrustBanks','AmericanExpress','FifthThirdBancorp','RegionsFinancialCorp'}; %long asset names

Returns = diff(log(Prices)); % calculate the log returns
Date = Date(2:end);
MarketReturn = sum(Returns,2); % market return

%find 2008-09-15
Indice = datefind(datetime(2008,09,15),Date);
RegressionWindowSize = 120; % initial window size lenght
EventWindow = 20; % event window 2*parameter+1 - symmetric

% filter the original data set
RegressionData = Returns(Indice-EventWindow-RegressionWindowSize+1:Indice-EventWindow,:);
Market1 = MarketReturn(Indice-EventWindow-RegressionWindowSize+1:Indice-EventWindow,1);
EventData = Returns(Indice-EventWindow:Indice+EventWindow,:);
Market2 = MarketReturn(Indice-EventWindow:Indice+EventWindow,1);

% estimate the market model for every asset - save the alpha and beta values
for i = 1:numel(AssetListShort)
mdl = fitlm(Market1,RegressionData(:,i));
alpha(1,i)= mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(1);
beta(1,i)= mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(2);
var(1,i) = sum(mdl.Residuals.Raw.^2)/(RegressionWindowSize-2);

% fit the market model on the event window and calculate the abnormal returns
for i = 1:numel(AssetListShort)
AbnormalReturn(:,i) = EventData(:,i) - alpha(1,i)+beta(1,i)*Market2;
% cummulative abnomral return
CAR = cumsum(AbnormalReturn);
%average of abnormal returns and CAR-s
avAbnormalReturn = sum(AbnormalReturn,2);
avCAR = sum(CAR,2);

% variance of the abnormal return and CAR
varAbnormalReturn = sum(var,2)/(numel(AssetListShort))^2;
varCAR = varAbnormalReturn*(EventWindow*2+1);

upperconf = avCAR + 1.96* varCAR;
lowerconf = avCAR - 1.96* varCAR;

normalizedValue = avCAR/sqrt(varCAR);

hold on
hold on

And the converted (to r) codes:
Date <- readmatrix('BankSystemicRiskAnalysis.xlsx',...
'Range','A:A')#read the dates
Date <- x2mdate(Date)#convert date format

Prices <- readmatrix('BankSystemicRiskAnalysis.xlsx',...
'Range','B:Q')# read the asset prices
AssetListShort <- {'JPM','BAC','C','WFC','GS','MS','BK','USB','PNC','COF',...
'STT','BBT','STI','AXP','FITB','RF'}#short asset names
AssetListLong <- {'JPMorgan','BankofAmerica','Citigroup','WellsFargo','GoldmanSachs','MorganStanley',...
'BB&TCorp','SunTrustBanks','AmericanExpress','FifthThirdBancorp','RegionsFinancialCorp'}){#long asset names

Returns <- diff(log(Prices))){# calculate the log returns
Date <- Date(2:length(Date))
MarketReturn <- sum(Returns,2)# market return

#find 2008-09-15
Indice <- datefind(datetime(2008,09,15),Date)
RegressionWindowSize <- 120# initial window size lenght
EventWindow <- 20# event window 2*parameter+1 - symmetric

filter the original data set

RegressionData <- Returns(Indice-EventWindow-RegressionWindowSize+1:Indice-EventWindow,:slight_smile:
Market1 <- MarketReturn(Indice-EventWindow-RegressionWindowSize+1:Indice-EventWindow,1)
EventData <- Returns(Indice-EventWindow:Indice+EventWindow,:slight_smile:
Market2 <- MarketReturn(Indice-EventWindow:Indice+EventWindow,1)

estimate the market model for every asset - save the alpha and beta values

for (i in 1:numel(AssetListShort)){
mdl <- fitlm(Market1,RegressionData(:,i))
alpha(1,i) <- mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(1)
beta(1,i) <- mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(2)
var(1,i) <- sum(mdl.Residuals.Raw.^2)/(RegressionWindowSize-2)

fit the market model on the event window and calculate the abnormal returns

for (i in 1:numel(AssetListShort)){
AbnormalReturn(:,i) <- EventData(:,i) - alpha(1,i)+beta(1,i)*Market2

cummulative abnomral return

CAR <- cumsum(AbnormalReturn)
#average of abnormal returns and CAR-s
avAbnormalReturn <- sum(AbnormalReturn,2)
avCAR <- sum(CAR,2)

variance of the abnormal return and CAR

varAbnormalReturn <- sum(var,2)/(numel(AssetListShort))^2
varCAR <- varAbnormalReturn*(EventWindow*2+1)

upperconf <- avCAR + 1.96* varCAR
lowerconf <- avCAR - 1.96* varCAR

normalizedValue <- avCAR/sqrt(varCAR)

hold on
hold on

Thank you for your time!

This might help.

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